Refund Policy

We apply the following refund policy for your all orders. make sure you are going to request any refund based on the terms below. we are receiving payment via 3rd party. beware, you are not going to place any dispute after making payment.

All kinds of refunds send/issued to your accutane account fund only. we do not refund via payment processors like PayPal or bitcoin etc. make sure you understand and agree with our refund policy before placing an order. The refund amount can be used for any further purchase or withdrawal via wallet cashout only. this is very important.

  • Your payment is in authorized status and has not been received yet before delivery.
  • The refund request is processed automatically upon payment method expiry. ex. PayPal expires in 3o days.
  • The refund is issued within 3-7 working days. (our working days are Monday to Friday) US Standard Time.
  • Valid delivered product/service is not refundable.
  • You can request a replacement for specific orders only.
  • The preloaded card service is not refundable. in some cases, we refund 50 % (contact us)
    Processing fees are not refundable for any order.
  • The refund is issued based on order type and only after checking the delivery details.
  • Wallet funds cannot be reversed if you send someone, even if it mistake by you.
  • Withdrawing funds from your wallet is final and cannot be reversed.
  • Wallet-related transaction fees/processing cost is non-refundable.
  • Any refund is always to be sent to your accutane account fund.

For any complex matter please contact us. if you dispute any transaction without contacting us you will be banned forever from see our terms & condition for more details.